Request a Consultation 

Too often, physicians and other healthcare practitioners mistakenly assume that responding to a letter from government agencies or private insurers requesting their patient and/or billing records is simply routine. Today’s administrative request can become tomorrow’s claw-back letter seeking repayment of tens of thousands of dollars. Watch these videos for a primer about responding to requests for patient and billing records.

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New Jersey Health Lawyers

(732) 756-1313

Legal Medical Minute  

Videos from the lawyers at Wilentz to inform physicians and other healthcare professionals about developments in the law affecting their practice.

Legal Medical Minute  

A video series informing physicians about the legal aspects of running a healthcare business from the lawyers at Wilentz

Episode 2: Legal Demand Document Types Explained: Have you received a Civil Investigative Demand, Subpoena or Demand Letter from a Private Insurer asking for patient or billing records?

If you own a healthcare business, recognizing the types of documents associated with demands to produce patient and billing records is important. In this episode, Wilentz lawyer Darren Gelber, Esq. explains the types of documents that you may receive from regulators or private insurers asking for patient or billing records.

Episode 1

Episode 1: Medicare and Medicaid Audits on the Rise

What might seem like a straightforward request for patient billing records is rarely straightforward. Honest missteps can cause you to lose time and add stress and distraction.

Episode 1

Episode 1: Medicare and Medicaid Audits on the Rise

What might seem like a straightforward request for patient billing records is rarely straightforward. Honest missteps can cause you to lose time and add stress and distraction.

If you have been asked to justify your patient billing by Medicare or another regulator and have questions about this process, call Darren Gelber, Esq. today at (732) 756-1313.

If you have been asked to justify your patient billing by Medicare or another regulator and have questions about this process, call Darren Gelber, Esq. today at (732) 756-1313.